Linux Commands for Developers

Linux Commands for Developers


Linux is an open-source operating system that powers Android phone), public cloud, smart TV, IoT devices, satellites — it’s everywhere; from your smart phones to Large Hadron Collider (LHC).

Linus Torvalds is the creator of the Linux kernel. He also created the distributed version control system “Git” that developers use every day.

Knowing how to use Linux commands is an essential skill for developers to have.


  1. Setup Playground

  2. Comment

  3. Package Manager

  4. Directory Navigation

  5. System Information

  6. Hardware Information

  7. System Monitoring, Statistics & Debugging

  8. File and Directory

  9. Process Management

  10. File Permissions

  11. Networking

  12. Text Search

  13. Disk Usage

  14. Pipes and Redirection

  15. Environment Variable

Setup Playground

To learn and try out the Linux commands, it’s safe to run it inside a Linux container. Docker is a popular choice for the running containers, if you do not have it installed, go ahead and install it from the link below. Get Docker Estimated reading time: 1 minute Docker is an open platform for developing, shipping, and running applications. Docker…

Once, Docker is installed and running. Go ahead and run the following command to start a Ubuntu docker container:

$ docker pull ubuntu

$ docker run --rm -it ubuntu bash

And inside the container, run the following commands to restores content and packages that are found on a default Ubuntu in order to make it more suitable for interactive and learning use.

# Type 'y' when prompted
root@e4675284d809:/# unminimize

Now, install a program called tmux for running multiple shell sessions in a single terminal window.

$ apt update
$ apt install tmux

Start tmux by running tmux command

$ tmux

TMUX in a nutshell

  • Start new tabbed window: Press Ctrl+b, release and then press c

  • Start new window horizontally: Press Ctrl+b, release and press "

  • Start new window vertically: Press Ctrl+b, release and press %

  • Switch between tabbed window: Press Ctrl+b, release and press p or n

  • Switch between horizontal or vertical window: Press Ctrl+b, release and then press ;

  • Kill a window: Press Ctrl+b, release and then press x

  • Rename a tabbed window: Press Ctrl+b, release and then press ,

  • Scroll through window console output: Press Ctrl+b, release and then press [ — use arrows to move


Comment in Linux command-line starts with #

$ # This is a comment

Package Manager

apt is a package manager to manage packages in Ubuntu Linux.

Update the packages repository

$ apt update

Upgrade packages in bulk

$ apt

Search for a package named htop

$ apt search htop

Show information about a package

$ apt show htop

Install a package named htop

$ apt install htop

Remove a package named htop

$ apt remove less

Install multiple packages

$ apt install htop less

apt-file is a program to search for packages containing files. Very helpful if you do not remember the name of the package, but you know the command.

Install apt-file using apt

$ apt install apt-file

Update the apt-file cache

$ apt-file update

Search for a package that provides postgres command

$ apt-file search bin/psql

Directory Navigation

Change to /home directory

$ cd /home

Change to the previous directory

$ cd -

Go up one level of the directory tree

$ cd ..

Print’s current directory you are in

$ pwd

System Information

Display Linux kernel information

$ uname -a

Display kernel release information

$ uname -r

Show how long the system has been running + load

$ uptime

Show system hostname

$ hostname

Display the IP addresses of the host

$ hostname -I

Show system reboot history

$ last reboot

Show the current date and time

$ date

Show this month’s calendar

$ cal

Display who is online

$ w

Who you are logged in as

$ whoami
$ id

Hardware Information

Display CPU information

$ cat /proc/cpuinfo

Display number of CPU cores

$ nproc

Display memory information

$ cat /proc/meminfo

Display environment variables of a process, e.g: PID 1

$ cat /proc/1/environ

Display free and used memory ( -h for human-readable, -m for MB, -g for GB.)

$ free -h

System Monitoring, Statistics, Debugging

Display and manage the running processes

$ top

Install and use a friendly interactive process viewer (alternative to top)

$ apt install htop
$ htop

Display processor related statistics (refresh every 1 second)

$ mpstat 1

*NOTE: If you encounter following error: /usr/bin/mpstat: No such file or directory. Search and install the package that provides mpstat tool.*

$ apt-file search bin/mpstat
sysstat: /usr/bin/mpstat

$ apt install sysstat

Display virtual memory statistics (refresh every 1 second)

$ vmstat 1

Display disk I/O statistics (refresh every 1 second)

$ iostat 1

List all open files on the system

$ lsof

List files opened by the user (e.g: root)

$ lsof -u USER

List files opened by a certain process with PID (e.g: 1)

$ lsof -p PID

Display disk space occupied by current directory ( -h for human-readable, -s summarize)

$ du -sh

Execute “df -h”, showing periodic updates every 1 second (pro tip: -d flag shows visual updates)

$ watch -n1 df -h

File and Directory

List all files (including hidden) in a long listing human-readable format in the current directory (specifying . is optional).

$ ls -hal .

Display the present working directory

$ pwd

Create one or more new empty file

$ touch file1 file2

Create a new directory

$ mkdir dir1

Create a directory tree using -p option

$ mkdir -p dir1/dir2/dir3

List the directory tree using tree command

$ tree dir1

*NOTE: Install tree package, if you encounter the following error: bash: tree: command not found*

$ apt install tree

Copy (duplicate) file(s) from one directory to another (-v option for enabling verbose mode)

$ cp -v file1 dir1/file1-copy

Copy directory and all it’s content to a new directory

$ cp -vr dir1 dir1-copy

Rename or move a file. If file2 is a directory, then file1 into moved into that directory

$ mv -v file1 file1-rename
$ mv -v file1-rename dir1

Remove a file or empty directory (-f option force deletes without asking)

$ rm file1

Remove a directory and its contents recursively (-v option for enabling verbose mode)

$ rm -vr dir1

Create a symbolic link (pointer) to a file or directory

$ ln -s file1 file1-link

Write a simple text to a file

echo "hello, world!" > hello.txt

View the contents of a file

$ cat hello.txt

Paginate through a large file

$ less hello.txt

Display the first 20 lines of a file

$ head -n 20 hello.txt

Display the last 20 lines of a file

$ tail -n 20 hello.txt

Display the last 10 lines of a file and follow the file as it updated.

$ tail -f hello.txt

Process Management

A process is a running instance of a program.

Display your currently running processes

$ ps

Display every process on the system.

$ ps auxf

Display process information for the process name

$ ps uf -C processname

Display interactive real-time view of running processes

$ top
$ htop

Look-up process ID based on a name

pgrep nginx

Kill a process with a given process ID. By default TERM signal is sent

$ kill PID

Send a custom signal to a process with given process ID

$ kill -s SIGNAL_NUMBER pid

List all available signals

$ kill -l

Kill a process based on a name

$ pkill nginx

Run a command as a background job

$ (sleep 30; echo "woke up after 30 seconds") &

List background jobs

$ jobs

Display stopped or background jobs

$ bg

Brings the most recent background job to the foreground

$ fg

Brings job N to the foreground

$ fg N

Kill job N

$ kill %N

File Permissions

Give all permission to the owner, read execute to the group and nothing to others

# Create a file
$ touch file1

# Set permission using either of the method
$ chmod 750 file1
$ chmod u=rwx,g=rx,o= file1

# List the file permission
$ ls -lh file1

Change ownership of a file or directory to a given user and group

$ chown user:group file1


Display information of all available network interfaces

$ ifconfig -a

Display information of eth0 interface

$ ifconfig eth0

Ping a hostname or IP address

$ ping
$ ping

Display registration information of a domain

$ whois

DNS lookup a domain

$ dig A     # IPv4 addresses
$ dig AAAA  # IPv6 addresses
$ dig NX    # Nameservers

$ host     # IPv4 addresses

Display hostname and IP address of the local machine

$ hostname
$ hostname -i

Download files from a remote HTTP server

$ wget [](
$ curl --output [](

Display all process listening on TCP or UDP ports

$ netstat -plunt
$ lsof -i
$ lsof -i tcp     # only TCP ports

Search for a pattern in a text file

$ grep pattern file

# For example:
$ grep root /etc/passwd

Search recursively for a pattern in a text file inside a directory

$ grep -R "/bin/bash" /etc

Search for pattern and output N lines before (B) or after (A) pattern match

$ grep -B 5 root /etc/passwd
$ grep -A 3 root /etc/passwd

Find files within a directory with a matching filename

find /etc -iname 'passwd'
find /etc -iname 'pass*'  # glob pattern

Find files based on filesize

find / -size +1M #  larger than 1MB
find / -size -1M # smaller than 1MB

Disk Usage

Show free and used space of disk storages

df -h

Show disk space consumed by a directory or file

du -sh /var/log
du -h

Interactive disk usage explorer

apt install ncdu

Pipes and Redirection


Redirect normal output (stdout) from a command to a file

echo "hello" > hello.stdout.txt
echo "world" > hello.stdout.txt

Redirect error output (stderr) from a command to a file

cat somefile 2> cat.stderr.txt

Redirect both normal and error output from a command to a file. Useful for logging.

ps auxf >& processes.txt

Append normal output (stdout) from a command to a file unlike > which overwrites the file

echo "hello" >> hello2.stdout.txt
echo "world! >> hello2.stdout.txt

Append error output (stderr) from a command to a file

cat some-unknown-file 2>> cat2.stderr.txt

Append both normal and error output (stderr) from a command to a file

ps auxf &>> processes.txt


The shell pipe is a way to communicate between commands.

Create a dummy file to learn to pipe

mkdir pipes-example
cd pipes-example
touch {1..10}.txt

Example 1: Let’s use sort command

ls -1 *.txt | sort -n    # sorts the output in ASC order
ls -1 *.txt | sort -nr   # sorts the output in DESC order

Example 2: Let’s use head & tail command

ls -1 *.txt | sort -n | head -n 5  # show the first 5 lines
ls -1 *.txt | sort -n | tail -n 5  # show the last 5 lines

Example 3: Search for a pattern in a text file

cat /etc/passwd | grep root    # show lines containing string 'root'

Environment Variables

List all environment variables

$ env

Display value of an environment variable

echo $HOME
echo $SHELL

Create an environment variable

export PORT=80

Delete an environment variable

unset PORT

PATH is one of the common and important environment variables. What do you think will happen if you unset it?

$ echo $PATH
$ unset PATH

… and that’s it!

Every command can be an encyclopedia of options on itself. If you want to know more about the available options, author, examples, then use man e.g: man htop or man man to learn about man itself.

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